We Extrude & Fabricate TUFLAR™ Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) Polymers.

TUFLAR™ is Keltrol’s uniquely formulated UHMW-PE polymer having a molecular weight range of 3.5 to 6 million. The long chain of molecular structure of UHMW polyethylene can be degraded if handled improperly during the processing from resin to final product. Keltrol has the technology to assure that all TUFLAR™ products exhibit optimum properties due to our patented ram extrusion process.

TUFLARTM by Keltrol

TUFLAR™ polymers originate with the highest-grade resins and the most advanced conversion processes available. Quality TUFLAR™ products are assured by means of Keltrol’s patented ram extrusion*

Extruded products of Keltrol’s TUFLAR™ polymers provide a unique combination of properties, outstanding resistance to wear, impact, and chemicals in addition to self-lubrication and light weight. Special emphasis is placed on the marketing of thin or heavy wall, balanced or unbalanced extrusions of any two-dimensional profile, rod, tube or strip stock.

The textile, chemical, pulp and paper, and transportation industries, material handlers, food processors, producer of farm implements, and recreational equipment all have a long history of excellent service from Keltrol’s TUFLAR™.



(717) 764-5940